Survey Disclamer

Purpose of the Survey

The purpose of the Next Gen Design survey is to gather information about young people’s opinions and perceptions about local environmental concerns and measure their level of awareness about environmental issues and familiarity with the European Green Deal. The following questions will be used for general analytical use only. The survey results will serve as a base for creation of an impactful awareness campaign empowering the voice of the youth in Europe in shaping sustainable future, through channels of 5 European design festivals. Additionally, a comprehensive online publication with survey results will serve as a reference for future actions in filling the awareness gaps and fostering youth engagement in climate change solutions and advocating for a circular economy across Europe. 

Target group

The Next Gen Design survey is intended for young people living in Europe, 18-35 years old. Answers by other age groups will be used for comparative purposes. Persons younger than 18 years need permission from their parents or guardians to submit their responses. 

Voluntary participation

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. 

Privacy and securing personal data

Participation in the survey is anonymous. Although you may submit your contact at the end of the Survey to stay in touch and participate in future project’s activities, your personal data such as your name, last name and your email address are stored separately from your survey answers and no identifyable information can be connected to your responses. After your results are added into the final tally, your email address is deleted from the data base of the survey answers and stored in a separate data base disconnected from your answers. The data is stored on a password-protected data storing system for three years, during the Next Gen Project. No results from individual surveys are released or given to any third party whatsoever. Only the researchers have access to the data. Only group data is used in the assessment of the information gathered through the survey. Next Gen Design team takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, and unauthorized modification.


If you have a question about the survey or the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of abuse, please reach us at

Informed Consent

Submitting the survey implies that you understand and agree to provisions in this disclaimer.

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